Lignum Venetia parquet and the LEED Certificate

Lignum Venetia parquet and the LEED Certificate

LEED® is a system of certification of the sustainability of buildings (introduced in the United States in 1993 by the US Green Building Council) that certifies the environmental and economic sustainability of buildings, promoting their design, construction, daily management, materials employed and energy performance. It is therefore not a certification of the products but these are of fundamental importance for obtaining the certification of the building.

For the mapping of its wooden floors Lignum Venetia turned to Habitech - Distretto Tecnologico Trentino -Leader in LEED®, obtaining the following 4 credits within the Materials and Resources (MR) Area:

- MR Credit 2 - Construction Waste Management (from 1 to 2 points)

For the packaging of all materials, Lignum Venetia uses polyethylene sheets with recyclable polypropylene strapping and natural wood pallets. In order to facilitate the construction company in its relationship with third parties, Lignum Venetia can issue upon request a declaration on headed paper which states that all the materials used for the packaging are recyclable.

- MR Credit 3 - Material reuse

Lignum Venetia parquet can contribute to the strategies of pursuing credit requirements in the floating version and/or the nailed one, which can be dismantled and reassembled, making it particularly suitable for recovery, restoration and reuse.

- MR Credit 5 - Regional Materials

The actual contribution to this credit can be determined only considering the specific project in which the products are used de to the fact that the distance is calculated from building site where the materials are to be supplied. Upon supply, Lignum Venetia will  issue a declaration which specifies the places of extraction, processing and production of mateials so that the distance from the construction site for the specific supply can be calculated.

- MR Credit 7 - Certified Wood

The Lignum Venetia company uses materials from forests managed in a sustainable manner, with the FSC certificate (100%) and the Chain of Custody, for the product categories W9 W9.6 W5 W5.2.


Further details
Parquet, humidity and mould: prevention and care
Parquet, humidity and mould: prevention and care
The unique color of smoked wood: precious parquet from ancient techniques
The unique color of smoked wood: precious parquet from ancient techniques
Parquet: everything starts from the tree, so it has a lot to tell
Parquet: everything starts from the tree, so it has a lot to tell