BenesserePiù: the new natural finish for sanitized, antibacterial and indoor wellness floors

A unique product that combines the strong sanitizing power of active silver and the benefits of terpenes release.
It is the new born in Lignum Venetia: BenesserePiù the new oil finish treatment for wooden floors. An innovative treatment for the walkable surfaces of your daily time that combines, in a single product, the double action of the sanitizing power of active silver and the therapeutic one of volatile terpene compounds. All in a completely natural finish, perfectly compatible with the strictest green building parameters.

"We had been thinking for some time about the introduction of a new finish that would be able to bring a new plus to the frontier of living well-being - explains Daniela Rosa Gobbo - for this reason we were already doing research and experimentation on the terpenes front. At the same time, we were starting the search for practical solutions that would allow us to use the sanitizing power of silver ions without having to resort to paints, as happens for example for other products on the market. We wanted a completely natural solution, in line with the production philosophy of our company.
But it was a target with a deadline moved further in time. Then the sudden and unexpected emergency of Covid19. It was not even necessary to talk about it, the decision was taken instinctively and we also crushed the accelerator on the sanitizing treatment. It is our active contribution in the search for solutions capable of giving greater security in living the daily spaces. A way to create an environment in which to feel more peaceful and pampered from the moment we move into the house, office or wherever we find ourselves spending most of our time."

It is natural: both treatments take place with the use of exclusively natural products and procedures, tested to respond to even the strictest green building parameters. We managed to find the way to make it real with the oil finish, excluding the use of any paint, maintaining that particular magic, that materiality and that total respect for the material that only an open pore finish can give.
Active silver to eliminate bacteria:
BenesserePiù floors perform a sanitizing action capable, within 24 hours, of contributing to the reduction, up to 99%, of the bacterial population that should come into contact with the floor, thanks to the special treatment developed by Lignum Venetia. The active silver particles present in BenesserePiù floors carry out an action capable of successfully counteracting the presence of bacteria on the surface.
The active silver finish creates a natural and lasting barrier, capable of neutralizing the infectious load of microorganisms: in fact, when they come into contact, the silver particles penetrate the cell membrane of the microbe, suffocate their respiration, attack the DNA and prevent reproduction. This is why this treatment becomes an important ally in home hygiene. We can count on an healthier environment, clean in depth, this thanks to the continuous action of microparticles.

Terpene: the fragrances that are good for us
The terpenes are complex molecules with high volatility: they have been defined as "the secret weapon of the scents of Nature". Some terpene are immediately perceivable, others sometimes not: they are that particular smell we can breathe when we walk in a wood or when we are lucky enough to walk beside a beautiful lavender field. They are much more than just a perfume: they are particles capable of interacting with our body influencing it in a beneficial way. And it is on this aspect that the research of Lignum Venetia has focused, with the aim of enriching the BenesserePiù oil finish so that we can offer you floors capable of increasing the feeling of well-being. The effective beneficial capacity of these substances is proven by the widespread use that even the pharmaceutical industry makes of them, given the different properties of therapeutic value they bring.
For BenesserePiù we have studied a particolar selection of terpenes: they are all natural and release positive volatile substances capable of influencing energy levels, good mood, anxiety reduction and stress reduction and demonstrate a calming and antiseptic power. In this way, simply breathing and living the interior spaces of your home will become a cure-all for your quality of life.
Basically, reversing the mechanism that underlies the now well-known phenomenon of indoor pollution, Lignum Venetia has decided to load the floor finish with positive VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds - volatile organic compounds). In this way we are able to offer not only a wooden floor free of harmful substances and emissions, but even capable of releasing selected beneficial particles to increase indoor living well-being.
From nature, once again, an assist to the harmony and well-being of living.
BenesserePiù finishing is available for all types of flooring created by Lignum Venetia. As we work on specific orders, we can “customize” any request, so it is sufficient to request this finish when the order is placed. Thanks to the work done to make it compatible with oil finishes, it allows us to offer you the same final effect with the added hygiene of the silver particles and the beneficial effect of positive VOCs.
BenesserePiù is the perfect solution in all those cases in which you particularly care about the living well-being of the space you are creating. The house you have dreamed of for a lifetime, or all those places that by their nature require high standards of hygiene and well-being: schools, childcare spaces, restaurants, public places, hotels, conference rooms, gyms and medical offices. In addition, the positive action of VOCs loaded with terpenes complete everything with a special note, capable of spreading that feeling of well-being in the air that you cannot see but can feel.
BenesserePiù is the right choice in any situation where special care is required: BenesserePiù is capable of bringing high standards of hygiene and well-being inside the house. For the people you love, for your customers, for yourself.