10 biases on the parquet

Many people dream of wooden floors, but often they give up for fears that are now abundantly denied.
Wood at home is easier than you think.
"Even I would have really wanted the wood for the floors of my house, but… ” so often begin the stories of many who dreamily browse through furnishing magazines in which we see warm and welcoming environments, where wood is the protagonist, who have renounced their desire for wood at home because they are victims of false clichés.
We have therefore decided to make a list of the main (false) critical points attributed to parquet floors and to investigate them methodically with you in this article.

The first of the prejudices to be denied is precisely that relating to the cost of the wooden floor. It is incorrect, in fact, to feed the belief that a parquet floor is absolutely expensive: there is now a wide range of solutions on the market, suitable for the most diverse shopping needs. It is possible today to have the warmth of a wooden floor at a price similar, if not in some cases lower, to that of some ceramics. Everything is about having your needs clear and, in order to be safe from unpleasant surprises, in relying on a competent supplier, able to offer a quality product in line with expectations. The same concept also applies to the installation: in most cases today we choose to lay multilayer parquet with floating or glue (also here for the choice rely on a competent consultant) two very fast techniques that speed up time compared to example to the laying of a tile.

No more than a marble floor and, unlike what can happen with ceramics and laminates, if there is limited damage it can be easily restored with a maintenance intervention. In the case of an oil finished parquet, the treatment is even DIY (discover the differences between an oiled wooden floor and a varnished one). If instead we talk about wear dictated by the decades, once again, the comparison is a winner: just as for perfect marbles we proceed with sanding and polishing, in the same way the wood can be possibly sanded, without the need to proceed with a complete replacement, such as would happen in the case of laminates. However, we are talking about extraordinary maintenance, necessary in the case of large accidental damage or decades of use.

Another issue that we often hear is "Yes, a wooden floor would be nice for my home but, I would like a modern style" or "I would like a bright and dynamic room " or " I do not want my apartment could look too classic ”. Good news is just around the corner and very simple to verify: there are more and more companies, as in the case of Lignum Venetia, able to help you identify the most suitable type of wood to obtain exactly the stile you prefer. The processing systems make it possible today to work in a targeted manner, both on the shades of the wood to be laid, and on the effect of the overall view of the room, also deciding which particularities of the tables emphasize, depending on whether you want to get a floor with a dynamic, luminous, modern, or warmer or more enveloping aspect or with the flavor of ancient times with direct references to the past.

Another myth to debunk: if you leave the installation in the hands of real professionals, you can have both the joy of wood under your feet and the floor system. It is important to choose a quality parquet, suitable for this purpose and reliable and competent installers: if you are assured of these two essential elements, you will discover that parquet and underfloor heating can coexist without problems. Once the correct installation of the floor system has been verified, the type of parquet that will be laid is also fundamental: for example we recommend prefinished parquet with three layers or two layers, capable of guaranteeing excellent wood stability and - at the same time - a uniform spread of heat throughout the environment, without the danger of overheating the surface.

“We had thought of a wooden floor, but we are waiting for a child", "I would like to lay the parquet in my apartment, but I have a dog" have you ever found yourself saying one of these things? Maybe you are still in time to realize your desire, because in the end, a wooden floor is much less delicate than you might think. First, let yourself be guided in choosing a wood that is resistant in nature, then evaluated together with the trusted supplier on which type of finishing is best suited to your priorities and capable of putting your floor as safe as possible from small children. damage. Of course, a certain amount of care is necessary, but even on a tile it is good not to start hammering. And the stains? Today's parquet floors are treated to be resistant to stains and sweat. Obviously, the substance should be removed as soon as possible. But even, if you choose an oil-finished LignumVenetia parquet, you can proceed to restore small damages directly from you, with the special kit that we supply for sale.
Also have a look at the article dedicated to parents of young children who wish to have a wooden floor.

It is not so true: we need a little attention, never quality parquet today is treated to be resistant to stains, sweat and saliva, so even if wine or oil falls to the ground, it will be enough remove the stain promptly. As you would probably do in any case, for reasons of hygiene and cleanliness, even with any other material. An additional shrewdness can be had by choosing resistant woods, with a greater hardness, so they will remain beautiful for a longer period, even in an intensely lived area as is the kitchen.

"With humidity it will ruin quickly. And if water infiltrates it rots”.
Yes, but the point is that it must be installed properly and you can also havee wood essences that have a natural great resistance to water. So again, the secret is to rely on competent suppliers. Once the wooden floor of your bathroom is installed to perfection, it is ready to be lived in serenity. Certainly some small precautions will be useful, but they already fall into the daily habits of many. In the case of water on the ground, for example, it is advisable to pass a cloth immediately, but do the same on a tile to avoid slipping. After a long bath, it is recommended to ventilate the room to eliminate excess of steam, but it is a good practice that is nevertheless used for the healthiness of the room. In fact, in short, we can afford the luxury of stepping out of the shower barefoot and feeling the grain of the wood beneath our feet. Just don't forget the wet bath mat too long. What do you say, is it worth it? In our opinion, yes.

Actually it only requires a bit of kindness: the parquet in fact needs delicate, neutral detergents, but this actually turns into an advantage also for our health, because it prevents us from using substances with potentially harmful chemical fumes.
For daily cleaning, a simple antistatic cloth is sufficient, which will remove the dust and make your parquet shine. If necessary, a well wrung cloth is wiped, soaked in water and a neutral detergent.

"Yes, beautiful wood, but if I have to be careful how I move ...". We have already understood that the wooden floor, if chosen wisely, is much less delicate than we think, so in reality the measures to be implemented are very minimal, in the face of the great well-being that it can bring to the space in which you live . It is a natural thermal insulator, which will allow you to move around with bare feet, both in summer and winter. It has a natural sound-absorbing power, which will help to muffle the noises with great benefit for your privacy and for your relaxation. It naturally conveys a sense of protection and warmth that will emphasize the sense of "home". Far from limiting your freedom, you'll be amazed how often it will make you want to sit on the ground in contact with its warm surface, leaning back against the couch, while you're on the phone with your best friend or while watching the game eating pop -corn.

The last of the great fears: it actually really does not make sense to exist, because we have based our choice upon a quality material, it has been installed correctly and in a sanitized and healthy environments: but still people fear the parquet can be attacked by moulds. It is true that when we talk about wood, we are still talking about a material that tends to balance its humidity level compared to that of the environment and it is true that excessive humidity can contribute to create mould. However – before the problem can become a reality, especially in the case of multilayer parquet - we should be in the presence of material already affected by mould, or an environment with a degree of humidity such as to be unhealthy for people to live inside. So it is a good habit to always check the humidity level of the rooms where you intend to proceed with the installation and the quality of the parquet. In any case, last but not least, a good supplier will be the first to report situations in which the use of a wooden floor may be advised against.
In conclusion, the phrase "Me too I would have really wanted a wooden floor for my house, but ..." now loses meaning if you have chosen an experienced and relaiable supplier.